Alireza Hooshyar

Developer based in Tehran, Iran.

Coding Since 2016.


Technical lead :: Chinomarket

Apr 2019 - Sep 2021

I was co-founder and the technical lead at ChinoMarket. ChinoMarket was a startup in the field of distribution of goods. Developed the application, the admin's panel, the store's panel, and the landing page.

Next.Js Developer :: Chikara

Sep 2021 - Jan 2022

Developed the new website, the customer's panel, the serviceman's panel, the WordPress blog, and the admin's panel.

React Developer :: Gharar

Dec 2021 - Mar 2022

Developed the organizational panel, which companies can hold their meetings, and the landing page.

FullStack Developer :: Alowish

Apr 2021 - Sep 2021

Developed Alowish, a health experience-driven website, using Next.Js and Django.

TypeScript Developer :: QCLab

Aug 2019 - Mar 2020

Developed QCLab, a documentation software for medical laboratories, using TypeScript and Django.


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My journey began with a passion for the creation of things, and programming doubled it.

I started my programming career in high school with Html and CSS. Subsequently, I learned how to implement PHP and WordPress themes and became an expert in this area.

Later on, I started studying computer engineering at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and I decided to focus on my technical skills more seriously and strengthen them. So, I started learning Django and React.Js simultaneously, and after a while, I implemented various projects.

Over time, I have been able to work with a variety of technologies and tools, including Django-Rest-Framework, Celery, Nginx, and Django-Channels for the server-side and Redux, TypeScript, Sass, Styled-Components, and Tailwind for the client-side. Also, I'm familiar with Git and Linux-based OSs like ubuntu.

After that, Front-End became my primary specialty, and I decided to work full time; I also used more technologies such as NextJS.

Due to this journey, I got into web development, which has since become my greatest passion and, fortunately, my job.

I love what I do!



  • Python | Django
  • PHP | WordPress
  • SQL | NoSQL
  • Celery | RabbitMQ
  • Nginx | Apache


  • React Js
  • Next.Js | SSR
  • Redux | Context API
  • React Hooks
  • TypeScript


  • Tailwind
  • SCSS
  • Styled Components
  • Bootstrap
  • Responsive Design


  • Git | Linux
  • Data Structures
  • SEO
  • Agile | Scrum
  • Photoshop